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Essential Disinfectants for Breweries

Which disinfectants are you using in your brewery? When your loyal customers are ordering your best-quality brew, whether they’re at their local pub, tavern, or their favourite restaurant and whether it’s served off-the-shelf, chilled, on-tap, or bottled, there is one thing they’re expecting from their favourite brew master: consistency!

Every time they’re served the delicious beverage, they would expect the same delicious taste. The principle way you can guarantee that same dependable flavour all the time, every time, is to prevent contamination of your product and ensure that your equipment is cleaned by disinfectants essential for keeping your production line sterile.


Protect Your Brand – Don’t Just Clean, but Sanitise

Your brews are special to you. The recipes have taken time. They’ve been refined, tried, and tested, and you’re proud of every single one of them. It is paramount to keep your ongoing fan club happily consuming your product, promoting it on your behalf and introducing it to their friends and colleagues. This is why it is essential that you not only clean but use essential disinfectants. Cleaning will remove dirt, grime, and residues from your equipment and will make the kettles, urns, and plumbing look very appealing to the casual eye. However, they will not remove microbes and bacteria that might taint your end product.

Wild yeast is a perfect example. Wild yeast is any uncontrolled yeast that is not part of the pitching yeast. It could cast an undesirable film across the surface of the brew that might lead to the solution not being uniform throughout or misty in appearance with distasteful aromas.

All bacteria may be harmful though. Their ability to grow at an extremely rapid rate is phenomenal and, if left untreated, bacteria like Lactobacillus and Pedioccocus could cause spoilage of an entire batch of your fermenting mixture, or worse, micro-organisms such as certain strands of Salmonella or Escherichia coli could cause unpleasant odours and flavours to your brew or, more catastrophically, food poisoning, resulting in loss of sales or even temporary closure of your brewery.

Microbes and bacteria might linger, even after a thorough cleaning. So, in order to prevent these potentially disastrous results and to maintain that consistently favoured smell, texture, and taste that your consumers have come to know so well, you need to sanitise and sterilise using essential disinfectants, which will assist in removing up to 99,9% of bacterium.


Pescatech - Disinfectants


Extra Brewing Time

From malting and milling to conditioning and filtering, we at Pescatech understand that the process of brewing is a time-consuming process and you need weeks to convert your secret recipe into the perfect product. We also understand that productivity is negatively affected every time you need to use disinfectants to sterilise your plant.

The less time you are using essential disinfectants to sterilise your equipment, the more time you have to brew. We supply only the very best quality products to expedite this process. Supplying only Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) approved disinfectants and products, we cut down on downtime by using the clean-in-place (CIP) method with no disassembly required.

Since 1995, Pescatech has built a reputation of making our clientele as productive as they possibly can be by using our essential disinfectants and making use of our other products and services. Should you need to discover new disinfectants and new, innovative sterilisation solutions, contact us today. We’ll keep your brewery fermenting.

View our Disinfector 85%, the disinfectant is proficient at destroying bacteria and other unwanted microbes, as well as having a rejuvenating effect on your skin. (Thanks to the gel re-conditioner.) The disinfector is suited for use within the MP2000 Dispenser Range.


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