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When it comes to healthy environments in the workplace, there is no one, single hygiene solution, but rather a holistic overview of many different aspects. If the pandemic taught us anything, it is that by maintaining a healthy workplace environment by implementing a combination of simple hygiene solutions, business owners can reduce the spread of germs, improve employee morale, and create a safer and more pleasant place to work.

In this article, our experts at Pescatech will explore what workplace hygienic solutions are and why they are important, and investigate a few strategies where a decent hygiene solution is necessary in some industries.


What is a Hygiene Solution in the Workplace?

Workplace hygiene solutions refer to the practices and procedures that are put in place to maintain a clean and sanitary environment. This includes everything from regular cleaning and disinfecting to providing employees with the tools and resources they need to maintain their own personal hygiene.Hygiene Solution I Strategies for Healthy Environments


Why is a Workplace Hygiene Solution Important?

There are numerous reasons why workplace hygiene strategies should be implemented and why they are important. Firstly, it aids in the prevention of the spreading of germs and their affiliated illnesses. When workers are exposed to harmful germs in the workplace, they can easily become sick and spread the illness to other colleagues and family members. This can lead to lost productivity and increased absenteeism.

Secondly, in addition to preventing illness, workplace hygiene solutions also help to improve employee morale and productivity. When workers feel healthy and feel good about their working environment, they are more likely to be more engaging and more productive. Moreover, a clean and sanitary workplace also conveys a sense of pride and professionalism, and employees might feel more respected and valued.


4 Strategies for Maintaining a Healthy Environment in the Workplace

Various strategies can be adopted and implemented by business owners to maintain a healthy workplace environment. Some of these might include:

Developing Workplace Hygiene and Cleaning Policies: This policy should clearly outline the business’s expectations for employee hygiene and the procedures that are in place to maintain a clean and sanitary environment. This policy should be rigidly policed and updated regularly.

Janitorial Cleaning and Disinfecting Duties: All areas of the workplace, including common areas, ablution facilities, and individual workstations, should be cleaned and disinfected regularly. The frequency of duties may vary depending on the type of business and the level of traffic.

Education of Employees: Regular training sessions should be arranged, teaching the proper procedures for hand washing, cleaning workstations, and waste disposal. Workers should be involved in cleaning schedules and be trained in the risks of poor hygiene management.

 Providing Tools and Recourses: Employers should provide employees with the necessary tools and resources to maintain personal hygiene, especially in industries where food and beverages are produced or where continual contact with the public is part of their function.

This includes access to automated hand-washing stations, automated sole and boot scrubbers, sensor-activated soap dispensers, and more. Business owners also need to provide adequate personal protective equipment (PPE), such as overalls, gloves, and masks where relevant.


Specific Workplaces that Require Specific Hygiene Solutions

The specific hygiene solution for you will depend on the type of workplace you provide. Here are a few examples of where hygienically clean workplaces need to be managed and enforced to ensure the safety of employees, the public, and others:

  • Manufacturing concerns, where many people congregate on central work floors, often sharing their personal space with others.
  • Office environments. Even when cubicles are in place, shared spaces and airborne germs could spread illness.
  • Healthcare and hospitality professions often put employees in harm’s way and very precise hygienic solutions need to be enforced.
  • The food and beverage industry and related sectors need to maintain a high level of hygiene in their workplaces. Often, individuals are employed to introduce and police these hygiene solutions.
  • Pharmaceutical industries need to be a level above the rest for sterile workplace environments.


Find Specific Cleaning Equipment for Your Perfect Hygiene Solution

At Pescatech, we are the leading supplier of professional cleaning products, services, and equipment in southern Africa. We travel the globe to learn from our trusted partners and apply what we have learned to provide our customers with the latest hygiene solutions, knowledge, and technologies in the world.

Additionally, we offer a bursting portfolio of janitorial solutions, services, and products to keep your workplace hygienically clean and a place where your workforce will be proud to be employed. If these are your objectives, consider contacting us and joining our community of satisfied customers today.


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