Asset 2

Quality Cleaning Products Are Essential for Assured Performance

While hygiene should always be seen as important, in some industries the need for exceptional standards of hygiene is absolutely vital. The food-and-beverage industry is one of the more obvious examples, but the manufacturers of semiconductors, the pharmaceutical companies, and many research facilities are just as dependent upon effective cleaning products to maintain the exceptionally high levels of hygiene that are essential to maintain the quality of their respective activities.

In each one of these industries, personal hygiene among their staff members is just as important as a pristine work environment and only high-performance cleansing agents and equipment will be sufficiently dependable to meet their specialised requirements. The Danish manufacturer, Vikan, has been engaged in the development and distribution of a range of world-class hygienic cleaning products that include items such as pipe and tube cleaners, squeegees, scrapers, buckets, hand brushes, and heavy-duty water guns. So, what is it that makes these apparently commonplace tools so special?

Much of the explanation is to be found in their composition. To be effective, these items themselves must be thoroughly cleansed between uses – and that means sterile. Made from materials such as high-quality polypropylene and stainless steel, this means they are able to withstand steam sterilisation in an autoclave.

In addition to the cleaning products mentioned, Vikan produces a range of innovative automated hygiene solutions. Together with site assessments, installations, and end-user training, these are available in South Africa from Pescatech.


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