Effective Hygiene Solutions Are Vital in Our Growing Society
It took millennia and millions of deaths due to communicable diseases before it was eventually discovered that they were not the result of some imbalance between the four so-called body humors of blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm, but due to infection by microscopic organisms. Even then, the rapid spread of these infections was still not seen as connected to the unhygienic conditions resulting from confinement in overcrowded accommodation and lack of adequate sanitation. Such were the conditions that led to the Black Death and which, centuries later, would finally be attributed to infected rats and the lack of hygiene, prompting the search for viable solutions.
The reform began during the 19th century with the introduction of flushing toilets, although it was only the wealthier Europeans who could afford them at that time. It was only with the rapid growth of urban populations that local governments were prompted to begin the widespread construction of water-treatment plants and sewer systems that would serve to bring potable water, along with the means to dispose safely of their bodily waste, within reach of the general public. Today, these are things that city dwellers take for granted. Today, however, there are new challenges in need of effective hygiene solutions.
The near-exponential population growth over the course of the past five or six decades has led to a vast demand for food and the response has been the growth of a correspondingly large processed-food and beverage industry. While this new industry may have solved the problem of supply, it has also posed some new challenges. Though fortunately a relatively rare occurrence, outbreaks of food poisoning resulting from the consumption of contaminated processed foods do occur, and even fresh vegetables can be the vectors of disease. While Campylobacter and Salmonella species pose a risk to poultry products, many will recall the Listeria outbreak caused by contaminated polony due to a failure of the hygiene solutions in place.
At each stage in the production of processed food, handling by humans or machinery provides the opportunity for accidental contamination. Personal cleanliness, thorough cleaning of work surfaces, and prompt handling of spillages are all vital to preserve the integrity of products. For these purposes, the food and beverage manufacturers must seek help from another specialised industry – one that specialises in the supply of equipment and consumables for cleaning on an industrial scale.
Individual requirements can vary widely, so a wide range of hygiene solutions is required. These can range from sophisticated automated machines to simple manual tools, cleaning agents, and disinfectants. However, all such items need to be of a quality that ensures their effectiveness, given the crucial nature of their purpose.
Amongst the automated and semi-automated equipment commonly required are boot, shoe, and crate washers, as well as sink units with and without soap dispensers. Wash-down equipment includes hoses, water guns, foam sprayers, and dosing kits designed to introduce a measured quantity of cleaning chemicals into the wash water, while on the basic level are everything from brooms, floor mops, hand brushes, and buckets to nail brushes. These are just a few of the world-class, effective hygiene solutions available in South Africa from Pescatech.