Efficient Drainage Systems Are an Essential Element of Hygiene
Millions of years before the advent of manmade drainage systems, the task of removing surface water from those areas where it tends to accumulate in excess was handled very effectively by Mother Nature. Her solution relied upon the permeability of the soil to convey excess water to underground aquifers and it is one that has provided modern engineers with a model on which to base the methods now employed to perform a similar function by mechanical means.
Like the natural solution, the manmade equivalent also depends upon the action of gravity to enable the water to travel downwards although in this case, it is not only rainwater that must be drained but the grey wastewater from sinks and the black wastewater and solids from toilets. Rather than passage through the soil, modern drainage systems make use of tubular pipelines made mostly from durable plastics although, in more specialised applications where hygiene is important, stainless steel piping is more likely to be the better option. In practice, rainwater is conveyed underground via stormwater drains and channelled, along with grey wastewater, into a system of much bigger concrete sewer pipes separate from that used to transport sewage.
In commercial and hospital kitchens, in factories involved in the production of processed foods, and in pharmaceutical companies, large volumes of liquid waste are the norm. Also in such environments, hygiene is of paramount importance to the integrity of their operation. As a consequence, the requirement is for more specialised, professional drainage systems such as those in the Blücher range.
The system’s modular design, combined with an extensive assortment of accessories, provide the client with a versatile product that can be readily adapted to meet the specific needs of a given installation. Features include the ability to adjust height, rotation, and tilt as required, all of which serve to simplify the installation process. In use, the smooth, stainless-steel surfaces are easy to clean and designed to deliver the high flow capacities essential to preserve the necessary level of hygiene.
Blücher drainage systems are available with either round or square gratings and a range of channel gratings is also available, should these be required. All of these surface components are suitable for mounting in concrete floors, either with or without tiles. In addition to the gratings, the vast range of standard accessories includes sand buckets, filter baskets, water traps, access covers, and an extensive assortment of pipes, to name just a few. On request, the company is also able to supply glass separators and other customised items.
For those in the food industry, disposing of oil and grease can be a headache and countries such as Britain are now battling with gigantic “fatbergs” that are blocking their sewers on a regular basis. Prevention is better than cure and so to complement the Blücher drainage systems, food outlets could benefit from installing the Endura grease trap. Compact, lightweight, and durable, it precludes the entry of grease into the wastewater system, as well as capturing food particles.
Both the grease trap and a full range of Blücher products for domestic and industrial use are available in South Africa from Pescatech.