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Although a time-sensitive and laborious task, open plant cleaning is a critical process for maintaining a safe and efficient industrial or manufacturing workplace. It can be a challenging responsibility to manage, especially in large or complex production facilities. However, when done correctly, it can assist in preventing accidents and on-duty injuries, improve product quality, and extend the life of expensive production equipment.

At Pescatech, we sympathise with the irritations associated with open plant cleaning but also realise the importance of completing this function both regularly and promptly. In this article, allow us to assist you with efficient open plant cleaning techniques for industrial spaces and offer some sound advice.


An Introduction to Effective, Efficient Open Plant Cleaning in Industrial Spaces

Several different open plant cleaning techniques can be used depending on the specific needs of the facility. In smaller factories, sometimes the entire plant is shut down for this procedure while in larger facilities, the operation is carried out in stages through various sections of the industrial space. Either way, if not properly coordinated, the process is often cumbersome and a source of aggravation. That said, there are a few general principles that can help to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of this necessary function.

Open Plant Cleaning I Industrial Spaces

Planning and Preparation is Key

The first step to efficient open plant cleaning is to develop a comprehensive plan and cleaning strategy. These should identify, in detail, all the areas and equipment that need to be cleaned, as well as the specific cleaning tasks that need to be performed. It is also important to develop a cleaning schedule and to allocate the necessary resources to each task.

Once the strategy is in place and all employees understand the plan, the next step is to prepare the facility for cleaning. This may involve removing products, materials, and smaller operating equipment from work areas, disconnecting the power to the remaining equipment, and covering sensitive surfaces. It is also important to ensure that all the necessary superior-quality cleaning equipment, products, and supplies are ordered, delivered, and at hand.


Scheduling and Frequency

When to clean and how often will depend on other cleaning schedules that you should have in place. We recommend that you initiate a schedule that encompasses the cleaning of all areas and equipment daily or between shifts. However, high-traffic areas or where hazardous materials are frequently used should be cleaned more often. It is also important to schedule cleaning times that will minimise disruption to operations, even if an after-hours shift is introduced.


Monitoring, Evaluating, and Control

It is essential to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the open plant cleaning programme on an ongoing basis. This can be done by inspecting surfaces once or twice a week, conducting periodic audits, and tracking the cost of cleaning supplies and labour. Even though the expenditure on cleaning products may increase under the new scheduling programme, it would pale into insignificance in comparison to consequential losses caused by unplanned shutdowns in production areas or malfunctions to expensive equipment.

That said, if any problems are identified through these procedures, the cleaning plan can be easily controlled. For example, if a particular area is not being cleaned effectively enough, the frequency of cleaning may need to be increased or a different cleaning technique may need to be used.


4 Additional Tips and Hints for Efficiently Managing Temporary Shutdowns

There are many additional tips and hints you could follow for managing future shutdowns. However, these four guidelines might be a good place to start:

  • Use colour-coded cleaning equipment between departments to avoid cross-contamination between areas, especially when ablution facilities are close to working sections, for example.
  • Invest in superior-quality janitorial cleaning products and equipment. Off-the-shelf equipment might have its uses, but they are not suitable for heavy-duty industrial applications.
  • Train employees on proper cleaning procedures and safety protocols. Colour coding assists with language barriers and makes training programmes easier.
  • Review the cleaning plan regularly and update it as needed.


Struggling to Find Quality Cleaning Equipment for Your Next Clean-Up Operation?

At Pescatech, we offer you the ultimate combination of cleaning solutions. We have a comprehensive approach to helping our valued customers achieve their cleaning and sanitising goals. We have travelled the world sourcing only the most superior-quality cleaning products and equipment.

With over 20 years of experience in the cleaning industry and relationships with our globally endorsed partners, we have the expertise to provide solutions for even the harshest cleaning challenges.

If you need knowledgeable opinions, expert advice, and excellent service for your next open plant cleaning operation or would like to explore our preferred cleaning products and services, contact us or simply view our catalogue


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