Asset 2

Premium-Grade Cleaning Products for the Food Industry

That extreme cleanliness is a prerequisite when handling or preparing food is a given. The potential damage to both the health of consumers and the reputation of an offending manufacturer could be catastrophic in the event that a batch of processed meat should become contaminated with Salmonella, Listeria or E. coli. Fortunately, with the correct use of high-quality cleaning products, food handlers can ensure that any risk of such contamination is eliminated.

The reason for the problem is that food is just as attractive to bacteria as it is to humans. Consequently, every scrap of nutrient that may be left adhering to a work surface or a utensil can transform into a reservoir of infection within a matter of hours. A quick wipe down with a damp cloth is simply not good enough. Only the more stringent procedures possible with the use of purpose-made, professional cleaning products will be able to offer the levels of hygiene required by the food industry.

It is not just the walls, floors, and work surfaces of a restaurant or processed-food factory that pose a risk, however. Personal hygiene is just as crucial. To deal with each of these potential threats and more, Pescatech offers the South African food-and-beverage industry a comprehensive range of professional cleaning products from leading international manufacturers. Our current client base includes such iconic brands as Nestlé, Simba, Parmalat, Sea Harvest, Clover, KFC, and Ocean Basket.


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