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Good Mopping Techniques to Use in Factories

If you ask any sanitary engineer worth their salt, they will tell you there is a specific science to the art of mopping factory floors. If you’re as pedantic as professional sanitary engineers regarding clean factory floors, you need to take note of the following:

7 factors relating to clean factory floors:

  • The industry you’re servicing,
  • The type of floor that you’re mopping,
  • How often the floor needs to be mopped,
  • The quality of the cleaning products you select for the job,
  • The quality of the equipment you use, including the handle.
  • The composition and material it is made of and, most importantly,
  • The techniques you use to get the job done right!

Why Mopping is essential on Factory Floors

It may seem logical, but hygienic conditions in factories, specifically those that specialise in the food production industry, need to be kept in a sanitary, sterilised condition at all times. However, in many cases, the responsibility of cleaning, sterilizing and mopping the floors is often secondary to the primary production equipment.

The neglect of mopping the factory floors, or doing the job without the correct materials and techniques, could vastly increase the risk of contamination of both the equipment and the product. Micro-organisms, bacteria and viruses tainting machinery and food could be harmful to consumers. Potentially poisoning the general public would have catastrophic effects on a company.

Mopping Frames Pecatech

The 2 Correct Techniques of Mopping Factory Floors

To avoid the above scenario, proper mopping will be required. The appropriate cleaning chemicals are for another time, but here are two techniques your sanitary engineers could use to get the job done right.

Firstly, a general rule of thumb is to never mop yourself into a corner. Then, always mop backwards from your furthest point and reverse towards the end-point. Make sure your end-point has an exit, like a door, passageway or escape staircase. Assuming you have the correct cleaning products, let’s get started.

  1. The figure of eight – This technique is reserved for the string mop (multi-cord or “spaghetti” mop). For heavy foot traffic, for example, wet the floor first. Don’t flood it, but saturate it in a ratio to the dirt while applying the product on stubborn stains. Once the product has loosened the dirt, begin from the furthest point. Work your way around the edges, moving towards the centre of the floor. Pull the mop towards you in overlapping figure-of-eight patterns. Continue moving from the edges towards the centre, leaving a passage to the exit.
  2. The micro-fibre method – Spray a small section of the floor with a spray bottle filled with appropriate chemicals. Again, begin at your starting point and walk backwards. Move the mop back and forth (away from you, then pull it toward you). If the pad leaves dirt behind a wipe, it’s time to rinse the mop. Spray, move the mop, rinse and repeat, moving backwards towards the exit.


Where to go for Mops and Mopping

For a full assessment of all your mops and mopping needs, including the appropriate products, consult with Pescatech as we’re passionate about floors. We carry a full range of Vikan mops and mopping products waiting to pedantically clean your floors. All our products conform to hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) global standards. Pescatech, mopping your floors, pristinely.


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