Businesses long ago realised they could not suffer the homeowner’s predicament of inadequate, mismatched, or flimsy janitorial equipment. When you are processing food or housing a few thousand people on a daily basis, there is no room for the retail approach to cleanliness and hygiene. Indeed, so onerous are the cleaning demands at times in modern commerce and industry that an entire echelon of industry applicable janitorial equipment has evolved as distinct from the mops and buckets at your local mall. Commercial janitorial equipment has more demands made of it of course, as the commercial arena is busier by far, regulated, and constant – it is daily and intensive.
Intensive production usually takes a lot of people, and that means a lot of traffic, a lot of ablutions, and a heightened need for hygiene precisely because there are so many people gathering together in the workplace on a daily basis. In the case of food processing and other industries that have intensive and regulated hygiene demands, janitorial equipment becomes some of the most valuable tools of daily production. Where waste is constant and cleanliness is paramount, janitorial equipment had better be up to the task, or someone in finance is going to start wailing loudly.
The Best Janitorial Equipment is Durable, Smart, and Cost-Effective
Constant replacement is the homeowner’s experience, and for homeowners, it is probably palatable. They buy and use cleaning equipment in a comparatively light duty environment, glean a few years use from a mop or broom, and replace as necessary once their cleaning utensils are worn down. For industry, that is a fantastical luxury, as the work is heavy duty, the needed cleaning schedules many times greater in extent and intensity, and even surfaces and substances are in a whole other league of demands when compared to the average suburban house.
Companies approaching their janitorial needs with a buy cheap approach soon realise its shortcomings. Finance is going to start stewing about constant unbudgeted-for replacement costs, but perhaps more importantly, the gear is not going to do the job! Commercial janitorial equipment has engineering in its design and materials, and the impetus behind its constant evolution stems from having to meet the desires of the far more demanding commercial arena. Clean is only clean if it is cleaned well, and hygienic is only hygienic if the correct solutions are applied with the correct gear.
Come to Pescatech for the Best in Janitorial Equipment in SA
For the best in janitorial equipment, Pescatech has few rivals. Our model is all about quality goods and great service, because we could not do the alternative – peddling junk, and hope to see you again. We do not have to hope, we know we will see our customers again, and again, because they derive such obvious value over the long term from our gear. They are not stepping back into the cheap and nasty arena ever again!
Pescatech offers durable equipment that is extremely fit for purpose, which is why we have an old school attitude for generous warranties and always attentive service. We are happy to stand behind everything we supply, because we know it is the best in class and durable in the extreme. Call on us first to see what truly dynamic janitorial and hygiene solutions should be, and we will make sure that you get the most appropriate and cost-effective solutions at play, where you need them most.