Which Brooms are the Most Important to Have for Brewery Cleaning?
From domestic duties all the way through to commercial, agricultural, and industrial applications, there are, quite literally, hundreds of types and models of brooms encompassing everyday life – the uses, functions, and designs of which have evolved exponentially through the ages.
With the explosion of craft beer brewers across the country over the past five years, there are more than 220 registered breweries dotted across the nation that are officially permitted to sell their blends of brew to the general public. This number is growing at a rate of knots and even excludes the major brewing masters’ brands.
The Common Denominator
In order to keep the premises of these establishments hygienic, clean, and sterile at all times, they all have one simple thing in common – the humble, loyal, and trustworthy old broom. Each with their own function, these brooms are arguably used for the most important function of keeping the brewery clean from the bottom up. Keeping floors, thoroughfares, walkways, and passageways clear of dirt, dust, and pollutants, brooms are needed in every phase (or processing area) of the brewing process.
There cannot be any cross contaminants spilling over from one area of the brewing phase to the next, so separate brooms are used in different areas. Colour coding is usually used to differentiate between various sections of the building. One colour would be used to sweep up grain or barley at the receiving section, which would differ in colour from brooms used in the mashing or packaging process. Colours may also be used to separate one of these tools from another if they are sweeping up different chemicals, for example, acidic or caustic substances within the premises.
Whether it is a simple straight edge lobby broom, a hard bristled yard broom, or the forever-reliable soft-bristled straight neck sweeping broom, there are certain hygienic standards that need to be maintained by these workhorses. This means that one cannot just pick one of the many knockoff products of these specialised cleaning tools up at the local supermarket for cleaning a brewery.
Read more about Online Shopping From Mops to Brooms here.
Accreditation, Qualification, and Validation Equal Pescatech – Where Safety is Everything
The most important brooms to have in the cleaning of a brewery, regardless of their model or function, need to be accredited for the purpose they are designed for. Only the best brooms can be validated for this crucial cleaning purpose. They need to qualify by having high tensile strength and high thread counts, and be bound tightly enough to reduce bristle loss regardless of what materials they are fabricated from.
From a food safety preventative approach, the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system is the most internationally recognised system for food-safety management. Whether our clients are HACCP compliant or not, Pescatech employs only HACCP-compliant brooms to assist our clients in maintaining only the highest standards of cleanliness.
Since 1995, Pescatech has endeavoured to supply only the highest quality products and services. Employing the use of products such as the Vikan brooms and brush ranges meet the highest expectations of both our loyal repeat order customers as well as our developing relationships with our newest members of our cleansing community.
So, if you clean breweries, contact us at Pescatech – we’ll have the broom for you!